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play chord fast

Started by Phiet, January 24, 2025, 03:54:23 PM

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I hope DAN can guide me,
 how can I play chords with only 1 note?
 Thank you.


I found an option in "  SAVE _ startup config._SINGLE FINGER CHORD "
Let me ask,   " SINGLE FINGER CHORD " does it give results according to any rule?
Give that rule.
Thank you.


You can always play chords with one note (in split mode), but they will be major chords
To play minor chords, you need to play 2 notes
The SINGLE FINGER CHORD option, is a recognition mode like on Yamaha keyboard, but is not very interesting to play this way


sorry for just now thanking you for your explanation.
So sad, GIGLAD has a solution for 1 note to create the chord I want....
This is important to me, I control vArrangr2 with guitar with the help of "GUITAR2" the chords received in vArranger2 are not as expected....I have increased GAIN in Option / master ...also....
DAN do you have any attractive solution for this problem?
For the past ten years I have been pursuing vArranger2 for guitar....I have 95% achieved my dream....
Wish you good health.
PS: I apologize to you just now, because I don't understand what my GOOGLE CHROME is doing that this FORUM page and some other pages can't be accessed...


Can you explain more what do you want to do?
What note do you play, and what chord should be recognized?
What is GUITAR2?


I use electric guitar and with jamorigin GUITAR2 gives me midi notes and these midi notes are transmitted by virtual midi cable LOOPBE30 , I choose midiOUT : 01interna... like that in vAranger2 ....Option midiIN : 01interna..
But the result in vAranger2 is not accurate, sometimes correct, sometimes wrong, maybe because vAranger2 can't read in time, maybe because of inverted chords...vArranger2 doesn't analyze correctly....
I am Vietnamese, I write English via google translate, I believe you know GUITER 2, loopbe30, I hope you are a little interested and you check if I do anything more for a really good result....vAranger2 plays exactly the chord I want...HOPE...


It should work with the jamorigin guitar 2!
Can you check the FULL KEYBOARD button is well activated?
If the recognition is too much sensitive with wrong chords when you move a bit your fingers, you can try to raise a bit the CHORD RECOGNITION VELOCITY THRESHOLD
But not too much ! then the recognition will be wrong if you don't play the chords enough strong


It might help to analyze the MIDI recording from your guitar.
You can use, for example, the free Domino software for this.


unofficial translations:


Domino is a rather interesting program - like how it presents the Drum Track.
Is it stable?


Hi everyone,
In the past few days, I always get: "This site can't be reached" when entering the Forum, I have reinstalled Win, reinstalled Google Chrome but the result is still unstable, beyond my control of the computer... I see the forum but can't log in, today it gives...
Dear DAN, from many months ago, in controlling vAranger2 with my dream, I have achieved 95%, only this important thing is being discussed, after many months of learning to control, I have worked in "option / master / adjust test midi in GAIN, RECOGNGITION TRESHOLG, hundreds of times... To perform a song, the result is sometimes right, sometimes wrong. I have not dared to brag to my friends even if they are close friends.
The work of inputting from the keyboard is easy and accurate, but from Guitar elec or accou... there must be a solution...
I hope DAN is interested mind.
I find RIPCHORD VST3 so excellent, I think DAN can easily make it work for vAranger2.... and DAN certainly also admits that the number of Guitar players dream of becoming OMB free and independent ( !!!jamtic...omb guitar.... not independent, not free, not creative)
I hope DAN does that.....


Here are the things I can do that I consider 95% successful.
I tested and found that: jamorigin_GUITAR2 works very well, when working with vArranger, I control all the commands in OPTION / CONTROLLER and get the correct results. For example
___with my guitar, the A5 note is a split note, all the notes higher than A5, I control what I want in the controller: intro, fabrication, fills IN, ENDING, start/stop... all the notes lower than A5 I use to call chord... but only major, minor is correct... because with just 1 note I can call major, 2 notes I can call minor...


I must have a virus, it doesn't let me type the space bar, I can't continue writing, have to shut down, then go back to the forum... I try to say it all....
___if I want to present with full chord type, I create song chords in vRIFF and play with song chords....GOOD.
But a guitarist dreams of playing improvisation, for me that is my main dream: playing with background music from vArranger2 (more than ten thousand yamaha styles, song styles, and being able to make song styles for myself is not too difficult...)
___Only the last 5% is...
___you know the song "Mr. tamburine man" by The Byrds fifty or sixty years ago I heard this line: "now listen i play...
I dream of the day I hold my guitar and say to my friends: "NOW LISTEN I PLAY....!!!! "
___I admire you so much, for me, you are "DAN legrand"
I write too much...


You write a lot, but I am still not sure to understand your problem
Maybe you can create a video for us?

For guitar players, I suggest the FULL KEYBOARD mode, and in this mode you need to play at least 3 notes so the chord will change. With this you will not have wrong recognitions

I don't think it is a virus, but you have linked the space bar with a vArranger function (OPTIONS / CONTROLLERS).
So every time you hit the space bar, it will run the vArranger function.
Look at the MINIMIZE section here, to help you in that :