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Can I buy vArranger2 now with confidence

Started by Heimatti, December 04, 2021, 09:35:33 PM

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Hi all,
I just registered as a new "user" because I am very interested in this software. But....most of you that are active on the forum understand and expect what is coming now.
But before we come to the "update desaster" let's ask a question about licensing.
I have two PC's, one fixed PC in my "studio" and a laptop that I use everywhere I want to make music. I saw something about a USB version that I can use on multiple devices but that this has been discontinued.
So, if I want to use 2 different PC's how is that working then?
What happen, if I want to re-install one of them?

Currently with all that is going on here on the forum I get the impression that the guy behind vArranger (Dan) is a "one man show" so if something happen to him and I need support with my license I have an issue. Is this correct? Is there a backup? If I read here, I get the impression that it went well for more then 10 years now but since the new system with the upgrade fee something changed and everybody is struggling.
I have 349 Euro ready to go once we have the next version and I get some good explanations about how to deal with the future.
I wonder how many people are in "stand-by mode" like me and just waiting for some positive news here.
It's almost Christmas, Dan come on, let me pay for my own gift for Christmas.

And if I can suggest something....we have need a marketing department...just a small one that is promoting the stuff with some good video's. Now it's sooooooo hard to find any good examples...and reading through a Wiki is so 1998...
To stop with some positive. I think from all what I have investigated on the market that your software is still the best arranger software on the market.

Hope I am not too direct and you guys understand my point.
Greetings from Holland


The USB version that you can use on multiple device is still existing.
Nothing has changed if not that I have started to work on many ideas for new versions of vArranger and as a perfectionist, I don't release new versions before ending the developments of the projects
But this will change for 2022 and I will release new versions more frequently, even with few changes so users will not wait too much
You are 100% right that vArranger need better marketing
By the way, when you buy vArranger, it includes one year of updates


Thanks for your quick reply.
I thought that I remember a message from yourself somewhere in the forum that the USB solution is unreliable and you don't wanted to use it anymore. I am confused...
If I work with USB can I use than different configurations or do I need to re-configure the settings (like Midi input and all controller knobs) every time I switch from PC to laptop?

So from your response it looks like we get no new version now before Christmas? I am promised updates so often now so sorry to say but I think I am not the only one here that is in the "first see than believe" mode.

About the marketing just an idea from me: I still guess that vArranger is a one man show so I can realize that you cannot afford a marketing department. What about ask one of the guys or girls here with a lot of experiences to create some nice tutorial video's in return of free version of vArranger or free upgrades or so. Currently there is no demo version and i also cannot find  good videos so it is very hard for me ( and I think for everybody) to see what you get for the 349 Euros...
Think about it...  :D


USB solution is reliable and you don't need to reconfigure the settings on each platform, as all the vArranger files are saved in your respective computers, not in USB

You can buy now and receive the update a bit later, or wait for the update and then buy if you feel it more confident.

Creating good videos seems to be complicated for a musician :) I have my ears well opened when I see something interesting on Youtube :)

The Wizz

I noticed you purposely did not respond to Heimatti's query as follows:

So from your response it looks like we get no new version now before Christmas? I am promised updates so often now so sorry to say but I think I am not the only one here that is in the "first see than believe" mode.

The question is "Are you going to release the completed vArranger2 new version (pending DSP finish) you promised 2 weeks ago?"



I sent an email to Ketron today with more midi messages to reproduce the problems.
As I am already late for this release, please don't ask me to promise a date again

The Wizz

Quote from: Dan on December 06, 2021, 10:22:51 PM
I sent an email to Ketron today with more midi messages to reproduce the problems.
As I am already late for this release, please don't ask me to promise a date again


Just to be clear, you were the one who promised 2 weeks ago, to issue the completed new version (pending DSP issues) because users were unjustifiable waiting to long (2 years) for the update, and rightly so. 

I am again, specifically referring to others like myself who don't use Ketron SD 1000 modules and therefore, are unaffected by the above problems. Since the Ketron DSP issues are unrelated to our use, why the further delays or excuses for not sending us the completed new version as requested.?

Am I missing something? Can you please explain?


For the best sake I don't understand so many posts about vArranger² update. vArranger² is, as it is now, by far the best arranger software on the market without any competitor to time. In actual version vArranger² has so many functions nearly as much as no other hardware arranger. It can be arranger, it can be workstation, it can be synth, midi player, audio clip player... and most importantly, vArranger² is stable like a stone. Please, a little more patience, I am shure, the next version will be really new "sweitzer knife". Let's let Dan work !!!

The Wizz

Quote from: agaton on December 09, 2021, 12:54:14 AM
For the best sake I don't understand so many posts about vArranger² update. vArranger² is, as it is now, by far the best arranger software on the market without any competitor to time. In actual version vArranger² has so many functions nearly as much as no other hardware arranger. It can be arranger, it can be workstation, it can be synth, midi player, audio clip player... and most importantly, vArranger² is stable like a stone. Please, a little more patience, I am shure, the next version will be really new "sweitzer knife". Let's let Dan work !!!


With all due respect, I think you're misconstruing my concern.

I am in no way disputing vArranger's versality nor Dan's ability as a competent VST programmer or coder.

IMHO, I think the problem is Dan's inability to effectively and truthfully communicate to users.

Surely, you are aware of users concerns and anxiety over the past 2 years regarding this long promised update. 

Based on your experience, do you know why the now completed new version (independent of DSP issues) cannot be issued to non Ketron SD 1000 users like myself unaffected with DSP related problems.

I am still awaiting a response from Dan.



I think patience is required - even if its possibly not deserved and I don't think hassling Dan actually helps.    Just rememeber the reality is that Dan is a one man band and if he gets enough hassle he could just say "to hell with it" and walk away - and then you would be, as we say in England, "Up the creek without a paddle!". 

I do not, for any reason, believe Dan to be dishonest or deliberately misleading people - and I have said many times that vA is great - if not necessarily delivering what users want. 

When I was working I managed software development teams for many years (and was a programmer myself at one time in my career) - so I feel I recognise the problem.    In my experience programmers do not know where or when  to stop - its always "Just one more little addition - it won't take long!".   But the problem is that something always turns up that needs fixing, or it suggest a new direction of development.     The only way out of this problem is a good plan with a recognised end point.   This I do feel has been a problem with vA for many years and is vA's fundamental weakness.     Many of us have been saying for ages that there should be a list of development aims which we, the users, feel are required to make a better program.   But Dan steadfastly ignores this to the point I actually sometimes think he must have Doctorate in Ignoring things - as that seems to be his speciality and he seems very good at it :-).  Personally I sometimes feel that vA is developed for Dan's own gigging requirements - and us customers happen to fund it .   So plans, with firm deliverables, are the only way forward, in my opinion - but Dan has to want to do this - and so far he has firmly resisted.

So - again I suggest that you give Dan breathing space to finish his task.   vA does work very reiliably as Agaton states (although not to my taste) and we all knew what we bought into - so cannot complain if we want something different.   Although there was no trial version (a mistake in my view) - we all had the option to ask for a refund if it did not do what we wanted.  So the only legitimate reason we can want more developments is because we want to see vA get better and prosper.   I do, however believe that the annual update fee should be abolished and refunded if people have not received anything.   It should be run something like Cubase:  a new version comes out every 2 years and you pay an update charge for the new version.
