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SD2 drawbars (22/11/21)

Started by idgraham, November 22, 2021, 10:41:00 AM

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I'm being, I realise, a bit cheeky here, but I hope I may be forgiven.............
I read that Varranger will run the SD2 drawbars. But, forgive me, Varranger costs rather significantly more than nothing, and for most other purposes I run my SD2 directly either with just a keyboard controller, or other software.
I have been trying to access the 67 bank. If I set the MSB to 67 from the keyboard controller, and then set one of the relevant program/patch numbers, and play, the midi light on the SD2 flashes, but there is no sound. The only sense I can make of this is that there is some sort of establishing trigger that I don't know of.
If that is right, and anyone will just tell me what it is, I would be enormously grateful. (And if you guard your secrets, fair enough !)
Ian Graham


After set the Bank MSB = 67, LSB=0, PC=0, You need then to change the midi cc 20 to 29 to change the drawbars values


That's very generous, Dan. Thank you. Are you saying the 20-29 series are control codes, rather than conventional patch/program numbers ?
Ian G.



I'd like to say again, Dan, I do appreciate your generosity in this. Thank you. I think at last I have a clear picture of what the drawbars set-up is. (Although it does seem to me in some ways an odd way to go about things.) The SD2 is a quirky beast, isn't it ? This adds to my long-standing impression it must have originated as the heart of a keyboard. Was that the case ?


This module gave me a strong motivation to create the vArranger software, to get a full access to all what the SD2 has to give