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vArranger -Updates?????

Started by The Wizz, June 24, 2021, 05:38:35 PM

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The Wizz


Hope you are in good health.

Since the "Midi Clock Sync In" feature released in November last year, are there any further upgrades/developments being planned?
Whilst other musical companies are frequently updating their products, vArranger seems to be lacking in this regard over the last 9 months.

What's happening with vArranger??? Could you kindly communicate with us?



"What's happening with vArranger??? Could you kindly communicate with us?"

YES:  This is the no 1 unanswered question on both the English and French forums.     

It was 22nd Aug 2019 that Dan said he was working on new version and please pay a 50Euros annual update fee.   It was on 5th Nov 2019 that Dan said: "A new version will come by the end of the month, and I will create a newsletter for it, to send it to all the subscribers".

So what is going on:  Has this update now been released?  or Is this program now actually defunct?     Is Dan actually OK - I hope he hasn't been ill?     

Everyone else on the planet seems to have worked from home and have more time on their hands than they know what to do with - so its a bit surprising that vA development seems to have stalled.   

I really hope everything is OK - but a short statement would be better than all this silence ..



Everything is OK, the update will come this month  8) 8) 8)


Let the countdown begin!   :)

The Wizz


It's good to know that you are in good health and an updated vArranger will be released this month.
What are some of the new features in this version?



News list will soon come with the new version



Quote from: Dan on July 01, 2021, 04:01:33 PM
Everything is OK, the update will come this month  8) 8) 8)

He already said when.


Quote from: musicmaker84 on July 21, 2021, 03:12:46 PM
Quote from: Dan on July 01, 2021, 04:01:33 PM
Everything is OK, the update will come this month  8) 8) 8)

He already said when.

Woww Impressive! I already understood that this month is.
I ask for the date, what day is it


Well, should be around the corner with 10 days left until August ;)


Hi Dan.
Was this update released?

The Wizz

Quote from: bluebeat on August 03, 2021, 08:24:57 PM
Hi Dan.
Was this update released?

Here we go again....,after 2 years of waiting on this update, we now have another false promise.
Dan, are you really working on an update....hmmm 2years?

Based on your actions/inactions, it seems that vArranger will soon become moribund or obsolete.


No reason to become moribund after 14 years of work
I am finalizing some work for the SD1000 DSP FX as promised to some users. It needs lots of experimentation and discovering as the documentation is not complete
Few days more and it will be ready


Hi Dan,
Very good news for the SD1000 Users like me!
If you need some info (i implemented in my diy electronic Accordion EFX1,2 for V3-Sonority-XXL and this is in most functions compatible  to SD1000),
You can contact me.

Best regards


So where are we with this update?   

Its now over 2 years since it was announced (and people were asked to pay annual update fees) and 2 months since we were told that it would be available within a month.     

So has it been released and I have somehow missed the announcement - or is it another bit of vA vaporware.    Its a bit worrying how many people are now selling their copy of vA and I am beginning to wonder whether they know something I don't.

So is there actually any development going on - or are we just being "strung along".


The Wizz

Quote from: BjayG on September 01, 2021, 02:01:05 PM
So where are we with this update?   

Its now over 2 years since it was announced (and people were asked to pay annual update fees) and 2 months since we were told that it would be available within a month.     

So has it been released and I have somehow missed the announcement - or is it another bit of vA vaporware.    Its a bit worrying how many people are now selling their copy of vA and I am beginning to wonder whether they know something I don't.

So is there actually any development going on - or are we just being "strung along".


I also share your concerns.

A month ago we were told "Few days more and it will be ready"

Seeing that subscriptions for this "illusive" update have already expired, I hope this is not a ploy to "hoodwink" vA users to pay additional fees
upon its release.

The Wizz.



Next month is coming my third automatic annual payment for ........ Nothing !
I give it an extra patience until end of September. If still nothing has come by the end of this month I revoke my automatic payment !
So it will be !




We all wait !!!!! Since the end of 2019 on this announced version.
Father Let it be true please.......


Well - there you go..

Somebody thinks about buying a copy of vArranger (see todays post) and suddenly Dan magically re-appears.. - so I guess he is still alive after all.      Funny how support is timely under those circumstances...


QuoteNext month is coming my third automatic annual payment for ........ Nothing !
I give it an extra patience until end of September. If still nothing has come by the end of this month I revoke my automatic payment !
So it will be !


The Wizz

It is now 1st October 2021, over 2 years since the promised 2020 update.

What is happening with vArranger2?

It seems that further improvements have stopped, and the apparent delays by the developer are likely ruses or smokescreens.

IMHO, the following questions should be answered now, to ease concerns amongst existing and potential users.

1. Is there really a 2020 update?. if YES,
2. What are the new features?
3. Why is it taking so long?



I am now doing some more real life tests of the new version with 10 GB of samples that takes only 600MB in memory thanks to the new memory streaming technology and 10 VST instruments in live condition
It is very promising, and almost ready to deliver, but today I have noticed that with some heavy projects, it starts with the latency increased. I need to understand this problem first
The vArranger starts a lot faster. I have good CPU and SSD

The Wizz


Thanks for the update and hope you will endeavor to keep us apprised of your progress on this long awaited vArranger2 development.

I have an issue with some latency.
Will post on appropriate heading.

Again, thanks for the timely feedback.


The Wizz

Notwithstanding, my last post. I am somewhat skeptical with some of your responses as shown below.

Re: vArranger -Updates?????
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2021, 04:01:33 PM »
Quote from: Dan on July 01, 2021, 04:01:33 PM
Everything is OK, the update will come this month.

Posted by: Dan
« on: August 04, 2021, 11:28:59 AM »Insert Quote
No reason to become moribund after 14 years of work
I am finalizing some work for the SD1000 DSP FX as promised to some users. It needs lots of experimentation and discovering as the documentation is not complete
Few days more and it will be ready.

Posted by: Dan
« on: October 01, 2021, 05:19:56 PM »Insert Quote
I am now doing some more real life tests of the new version with 10 GB of samples that takes only 600MB in memory thanks to the new memory streaming technology and 10 VST instruments in live condition
It is very promising, and almost ready to deliver, but today I have noticed that with some heavy projects..........

My question is "What updates have been completed so far on vArranger during the past 2 years?

If there actually are new development going on with vArranger2, why don't you release the completed updates to users as done my most DAW manufactures.?

BIAB, Studio One, Cakewalk by Bandlab (free), et al have all issued cumulative updates on their products.

Why not vArranger2?

Are we just being deceived or duped?

The above is not meant to be an affront on your technical abilities, but an attempt to clarify stated concerns.



Nun sind schon wieder 2 Wochen vergangen und immer noch kein Update.Habe nun schon 3X 50€ bezahlt und nur 1 Update bekommen.
Dan schreibt, keine Angst ein Update wird bald kommen


Probably most of us agree that things could have been handled differently since Dan introduced the subscription-donation scheme.

One of the obvious conclusions has to be that any announcements regarding a date are highly unreliable for reasons mostly unknown.

My decision shortly before my renewal date was coming up after the first year was to cancel the subscription until a new update is ready and of interest to me. This has saved me all the emotions others are going through because of it.
vArranger has worked for and keeps working for me as it is in its current state. Any future updates that offer new functionality for my scenario are welcome. Whenever this might happen, I am going to subscribe again.

The Wizz

Quote from: musicmaker84 on October 24, 2021, 01:09:32 PM
Probably most of us agree that things could have been handled differently since Dan introduced the subscription-donation scheme.

One of the obvious conclusions has to be that any announcements regarding a date are highly unreliable for reasons mostly unknown.

My decision shortly before my renewal date was coming up after the first year was to cancel the subscription until a new update is ready and of interest to me. This has saved me all the emotions others are going through because of it.
vArranger has worked for and keeps working for me as it is in its current state. Any future updates that offer new functionality for my scenario are welcome. Whenever this might happen, I am going to subscribe again.

Seems that musicmaker84 is very correct in his analysis of Dan's subscription-donation scheme. "Scheme" being the operative word.
Another month have now past, and again still no vArranger update.



I want to stress I do not imply it was a ploy. Just a plan to fund current and future development. Of course, people were hopeful it meant regular annual updates.

The Wizz

Quote from: musicmaker84 on November 04, 2021, 01:06:27 AM
I want to stress I do not imply it was a ploy. Just a plan to fund current and future development. Of course, people were hopeful it meant regular annual updates.
I offence meant.

And if nothing was delivered after over two years... of the subscription-donation scheme.

It's open to one's own interpretation.

plan · scheme · tactic · manoeuvre · move · course/line of action · gambit · device · wile · trick · ruse


Hi guys,

I have been following vArranger and this forum for a long time. I'm sorry that the updates are not going as expected.
Have you thought about Dan stopped activities because he has copyright issues with Yamaha / Korga / Ketron Styles?


I did not stopped vArranger activities, and don't have any bad intentions about all of you who supported me to improve the vArranger software
Sorry again for the delay.
Will write again soon


Dan, I'm really glad to hear that.
I wish you a lot of success to further development of vArranger, and a lot of beautiful music to your users with this good software.




I too am pleased to hear that - but you really must get better at keeping your customers informed.  As you have discovered:  if you don't tell people what is happening then they will make it up themselves - and what they make up is almost certainly worse than the truth.

Whats is wrong with you supplying a monthly update on the forum just giving a once sentence statement of what is happening - particularly important if you have promised something but you have not been able to deliver for some reason.

Its not a lot to ask and will both make your customers happy and will also have the effect of not putting off potential customers because they see discontent on the forum.



As promised, I have worked hard to improve the SD1000 DSP management, and include it in the future release of vArranger.
Unfortunately my efforts are stopped, because I discovered the DSP#1 has not the same audio level than the DSP#2
All my plans and developments to use them in an interchangeable way as DUAL MONO or STEREO are broken   :'(
I will contact Ketron to see if they can correct the SD1000 Firmware

I will probably put this on a side and release the new version anyway, as so much here are waiting


Hi Dan,
I had no luck with contact to Ketron in the past 8 years!
They do not answer and also do not change SD1000 Firmware, because this soundmodule is very old and has no more updates in Firmware!

Please release the new version with integrated DSP1,2.

The difference in volume is minimal (30%) and should not be a problem for Integration!

Everybody can adjust the level for both DSP and his application!

Best regards



Thanks for your comments - that was brilliant and is exacly all the feedback that is required in my opinion.   Sorry to hear about your DSP problems - one of the joys of programming.



Just contacted Ketron... Let's see...
My plans and devs are to give the user the possibility to use the 2 DSP for 2 sounds independently
For example, you can select select an ORGAN sound with rotary DSP with your left hand, then select a guitar with disto+delay in right hand
And vArranger will select the DSP that is actually free. If DSP1 is used by left hand, it will use DSP2. And opposite too
The problem now is that your saved preset will never have the same volume if it use DSP1 or DSP2
In Stereo mode, one ear has less volume that other
One workaround is to limit the DSP that has more volume
But then unfortunately, when we use DSP, the sound will have less volume than without
I need to change the volume curve depending on the DSP actually set
And other things completely crazy because of this problem

I hope they can correct


Hi Dan,
It could be so simple.
The User must select dsp1 or dsp2 for any left or right sound. No Automatic.
If dsp1 is used for example for Left 1 then the other Left Sounds or right sounds can only use dsp2.

So a User can for example play at an organ with upper and lower manual with both DSP used at lower manual with left 1 with dsp1 is the left part of the lower Manual (splittet in left1 and left2) and  left 2 with dsp2 is the right part of the lower Manual!
The upper Manual then has no dsp!

Best regards


I would second Dan's plan to release 1.20 independently from the problems with the Ketron module as many users do not use it. The ones who are will have the benefit of using the stable new features that 1.20 brings to the table while there is hope to make the DSPs work properly in a future update. I think this will serve the interests of all vArranger users the best imho.

The Wizz

I totally agree with musicmaker84.

It is a similar suggestion I posted on October 7th,2021. See part extract below:

"My question is "What updates have been completed so far on vArranger during the past 2 years?

If there actually are new development going on with vArranger2, why don't you release the completed updates to users as done my most DAW manufactures.?

BIAB, Studio One, Cakewalk by Bandlab , et al have all issued cumulative updates on their products.

Why not vArranger2?"

I now anxiously await Dan's release of the updated version 1.20 exclusive of DSP issues. (can be issued later when solved.)

This will serve the best interest of all present and potential users IMHO.



Hello to all not Ketron Users,
Dan promised many years the implementation of DSP1,2 for Ketron SD1000.
Now he is very near to the complete Implementation!
Yes he could release the new version without DSP1,2 but then I have no hope that DSP1,2 will be implemented in the near future!
I have also paid 2x50€ in the past with no new update!

I have stopped my subscription!

So i am very frustrated!

Best regards

The Wizz

Quote from: Dan on November 11, 2021, 06:16:54 PM
As promised, I have worked hard to improve the SD1000 DSP management, and include it in the future release of vArranger.
Unfortunately my efforts are stopped, because I discovered the DSP#1 has not the same audio level than the DSP#2
All my plans and developments to use them in an interchangeable way as DUAL MONO or STEREO are broken   :'(
I will contact Ketron to see if they can correct the SD1000 Firmware

I will probably put this on a side and release the new version anyway, as so much here are waiting

Has anyone received the completed new version (minus DSP issues) as Dan promised 2 weeks ago.?
I thought it's release was without further delay.



With some luck, I have received an answer from Ketron
I need to send them the exact sysex to reproduce the problem, as they don't see any problems


Hi Dan,
What a Wonder!
Hope they find a solution!

Best regards

The Wizz


As you rightly acknowledge, it has been an agonizing 2 years wait for this update, DSP issues included.

Since the new version is now completed (pending DSP finalization, hopefully next year), why don't you issue same to non Ketron users if requested?

I don't use Ketron module. Can you kindly send me the updated new version?



Also I do not use Ketron module



Ich verwende auch kein Ketron Modul




Hi Dan,
News from Ketron about SD1000 DSP1,2 Volume difference?

best regards


I might be wrong, but I have the feeling that SD1000 work was just an excuse for those asking about the update delivery.
However, it is a matter of education when you promise something and you are not able to deliver to not wait the others to ask you why you did not deliver but to present your excuses, your arguments, and the new date. Another extension is tottaly unaccepatble and unprofessional!


Many years ago Dan developed the PC software "VA2" on the basis of the Ketron SD2 as the only sound generator. Then at some point came the SD1000 and Dan unfortunately only implemented it incompletely at the time, because the software sound generator came up at that time and he needed a lot of time to do this.
But more than 3 years ago Dan promised me and all other SD1000 users the complete implementation of all SD1000 features, especially the saving and loading of the DSP settings with a song or sound. He has not been able to keep this promise until now, because apparently working on the VST sound generators and effects takes a lot of time.

I don't think that working on the DSP1,2 functions of the SD1000 is an excuse, because I only programmed part of this work for my DIY MIDI accordion myself and therefore know the complexity of the SD1000 and its firmware very well!

I really hope that Dan will implement the new features later this year.

Musical greetings from Werner

The Wizz

You may recall 2 weeks ago, Dan acknowledged users frustration and promised to release the new version of the now completed vArranger2 (pending finalizing of Ketron 1000 DSP issues).

Dan quote: I will probably put this on a side and release the new version anyway, as so much here are waiting

We are still waiting.

Is the Ketron DSP DSP1,2 issue is now being used as a ruse or another delaying tactic. ?

After 2 years of broken promises, now that the new version is completed, I find it's discriminatory and unfair to users like myself who don't use Ketron 1000 module to undergo further delays due to issues unrelated to our use with vArranger2.

I don't use Ketron SD1000 module, therefore, I am again kindly requesting the completed vArranger2 new version.

Hoping Ketron SD1000 users will enjoy DSP updates when completed.

Dan, over to you.

Do the right thing.


Also I do not use Ketron SD1000 module, do not need this function.
It will give the promised update.
You have already received the money 2 years ago and then it was already announced.
I also think that we have been waiting for a long enough.


Genau so ist es.Auf Anfragen gibt es nun auch keine Antwort mehr


In the end, this horse needs to be saddled up differently for future updates.

Dan: stop the subscription. Work on an update as long as you need or wish. Publish the update and sell it to interested vArranger users for €49 or similar. Everyone who has paid at least one year of subscription in the past 2 years, let them have the next two updates for free instead. Then, without any current or new subscribers after ending the scheme, you can relax and just focus on programming without having to justify yourself or be tempted to make promises that are at risk of being broken.


Hi all,
Very very very good idea!



Yes. The idea of the update fee started when I released the version with the new arranger engine that asked months of work night and day, and I thought not fair to work for free
Then I thought to offer one year of updates with this update fee.

The Wizz

We haven't heard from you since last December on the subject matter (vArranger2 updates).

I really hope everything is OK and you are in good health.

What's happening with vArranger2 development.?

Could you kindly provide a short statement to users on progress to date.?

Would be much appreciated.



Hi Dan,
Yes, i also want to know the state of development!
Best regards


Oh, I would be interested too


I'm also waiting for an answer.  :-\


Yes, a huge update is coming soon.
(I saw in my dream)   ::)


> (I saw in my dream)

Probably caused by indigestion!!!



Hi all,



Eating cheese late at night has a similar effect ... (or it can cause migraine)


The Wizz

> (I saw in my dream)

I aslo, have a dream, that one day on this forum, not too long in the distant future,we will all receive the update that was promised so long ago.
This is our hope. And when this happens, we will all rejoice with one voice "Thank God Almighty,  at last"

I have a dream. ;) ;)



Oh Dear!!   Are you finding the headaches are getting more frequent/severe?


The Wizz

Quote from: BjayG on April 13, 2022, 01:41:49 PM

Oh Dear!!   Are you finding the headaches are getting more frequent/severe?


No, but a hallmark of good business is effective communications, which is lacking in this instance.
You may recall, Dan promised many months ago to release the updated version to non SD1000 users, (whilst he sort issues with Ketron).
We are still waiting...... :'(
What's happening with the release..... the silence is deafening.

It is also only curteous and polite that Dan issue a short statement on vArranger's update/ progress to date
to keep users and potential informed.
Is this asking too much?

Dan, Is it? :(


Thank you for your patience, having some humor and fun, and making some friends here :)
I had to change home and had to do some work. Took more time than imagined. Hope to come back more actively soon


Dan (and everyone),

Happy Easter!

You have my sympathy.  Moving house is not the best of times.   



Moving is no fun until it's done.

Been there before, done it.

Hopefully, when Dan is settled in, he can finalize the update. :D

The Wizz

Well, here we go again.

I recall, it was 22nd Aug 2019 when Dan said he was working on new version and we pay a 50Euros annual update fee
The latest update released so far (now over 2 years old) is vArranger v1.19.13 with "Midi Clock Sync" feature.

Since then, despite numerous assurances, the developer has failed or refused to deliver as promised i.e. "with 10 GB of samples that takes only 600MB in memory", "new memory streaming technology", "10 VST instruments in live condition", and improved SD1000 DSP amongst others.

A cursory review of user forum posts under this heading vArranger -Updates????? and other similar post will clarify.

Dan's latest excuse for the delay now..... is that he is moving house and Hope to come back more actively soon. ;D ;D ;D

Hmmm...(more actively soon).?

Are we "taken for a ride" or living in a fool's paradise?

The Wizz

Anyone has the new vArranger2 update Dan promised since 2019.?
If so, will appreciate if you can kindly share with me?



Hello all,

this thread seems to never ended with a new released version of vArranger. Or am I wrong?
I found this software mentioned in a Band-in-aBox forum and thought, it might be useful.

Are you still waiting for a new version to be released?

Is the "old" version functioning properly for you guys?

Thanks for you feedback.



The last version of the software is fully functional and without any bugs, the new version is something where the developer will insert some new features without the need for any updates to the existing ones



Hello Dan and Team,

is there some information as what to expect from the next version of vArranger3?

Thanks for insights.



As was mentioned, and I agree with that statement that nothing substantial for "most users" were added since the "Midi Clock Sync In"

Major plugins released as VST3 only at this time.

With failed promises of past years, I lost 99% of hope that vArranger will evolve. And I believe most share my opinion. But I believe maintenance was assumed with purchase.

Support for VST is a core feature of vArranger. In my view, it is expected from you to follow through initial promise.

In my humble view, you had many years (not months) to be prepared for this....

Dan, when can people expect support for VST 3 which came out over a decade ago?


Hi BlueBeat

Do you mean you get a version with "Midi Clock Sync In" ?
Which version is it ?
Where is this feature ?

I wonder if I don't know how to use it or if I didn"t get the VA2 version ?



Yes Oliver, there is sync in update. Not sure if it "free" or not, but it was a round for couple of years. Please start a new thread or ask Dan directly. I want to get a clear answer on this, as I am debating on upgrading Halion and I am not interested in workarounds. So I will repeat the concern and a question.

As was mentioned, and I agree with that statement that nothing substantial for "most users" were added since the "Midi Clock Sync In"

Major plugins released as VST3 only at this time.

With failed promises of past years, I lost 99% of hope that vArranger will evolve. And I believe most share my opinion. But I believe maintenance was assumed with purchase.

Support for VST is a core feature of vArranger. In my view, it is expected from you to follow through initial promise.

In my humble view, you had many years (not months) to be prepared for this....

Dan, when can people expect support for VST 3 which came out over a decade ago?



On the French forum Dan was teasing a new version in November '22.

It is beyond my understanding how he was able to provide so many updates for free before he had the idea to charge for a yearly update subscription and has not managed to deliver anything since then (three years already).

At this point I cannot recommend for anyone buying into vArranger. As long as my USB stick keeps working I will be using vArranger. Hopefully Dan can deliver and restore his reputation, but right now I will not be holding my breath. Everyone should be looking for an exit strategy at some point.

 It is sad that it has come to this. But let us regard vArranger as what it is: a hobbyist's software made  for his own uses and made available to others for purchase through a dubious website (is it a registered business?) where he communicates and provides support at his own fancy and provides updates as he pleases. Enough said.


"Hopefully Dan can deliver and restore his reputation".

At this point in time, all I want to know if a core feature of supporting VST3 will be done and when?

P.S. Ohh yes, I don't care if FX on 12 year old sound module (SD1000) is implemented or not. That is one s#itty excuse, as it applies to only a few people and their hardware specific issue.


SD1000 is old but still always one of the best soundgenerators!

Dan promissed full Support of EFX in SD1000 long before VST3 was introduced!

VST2 is implemented in VA2 and also old!

I hope Dan can help both usergroups!

Musical greetings from Werner


Werner, you realize that most likely ratio is something like:

1 user of SD1000 : 10,000 users of VST3

Also, I hope you realize that promise was made for maintenance of the software for all. VST2 is no longer maintained by most major companies, vArranger has to adopt to one of the most important core feature.

Your wish is more of a voluntary items that relates to user specific hardware, that was never a part of CORE advertised features of vArranger. If what you asked for will be done, great for you. But those FX or whatever else you need, should not be used a as a crappy excuse by Dan not to release vital updates. Right?


Did you do an opinion poll?

Dan startet with SD2 as first sound generator! Then updated to SD1000 and VST.

I will end here with this discussion! It's a never ending story!

Dan must decide and do his work.

Best regards


No, I didn't do a poll, but likely the second part is much larger. Perhaps 1 Ketron user to 50,000 VST3 users in the world :) You are comparing apples to oranges. VST3 is an industry standard, while SD1000 is an outdated hardware unit of mismanaged company.

But I do agree with: "Dan must decide and do his work."
And if Dan promised SD1000 support, he should follow through that as well, absolutely, but not holding hostage core update with miserable excuse... or simply ignoring.

The Wizz

Based on his failure to deliver updates as promised over past 2-3 years, it is now obvious that Dan's brainchild (vArranger2) is now orphaned or moribund.

There is an old saying "One may lead a mule to water, but 20 cannot make it drink"
