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Salvataggio volumi tracce style

Started by giupa, October 13, 2020, 09:29:57 AM

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Io sto provando a salvare le tracce con diverse impostazioni di volume per ogni variazione. Io salvo la song ad ogni variazione modificata, ma lo style mantiene sempre e solo l'ultimo livello memorizzato per tutti i pattern.
Eppure ricordo di aver fatto queste modifiche in passato e tutto andava bene. Cosa è cambiato??


If the original style has different value for the different variations, then you will be able to adjust them separately in vArranger
If not, you need to change this, in an external style editor


Grazie Dan.
Ma è la stessa cosa anche per il program change e gli altri messaggi di control change?



Ho aperto lo style dopo averlo convertito in midifile, e ho visto che tutte le variazioni hanno messaggi di control volume.
Ma da vArranger non riesco a modificare.   


But are they different?
You can check them if you right click on a track, and view the STYLE MIXER


Ho controllato in STYLE MIXER. In formato .pat (originale) ha un unico messaggio di control volume. Convertito in .sty  ne ha uno in ogni variazione.


Yes, but they need to be different in the style


L'immagine dello style mixer dei due style.


Great, so you have a global volume of 112 for all parts, except for the variations that has different values explicitly defined
If you move variation that has an initial volume of 112, it will change the global volume
If you move the intro A volume that has an independent initial volume of 94, it will be saved separately
So if you really want to separate one variation, you should set other value than 112 with a midifile editor


These two styles have been converted from the same midifile.
But while the .sty keeps the volume changes, the .pat only keeps the global volume.
As if the .pat didn't allow volume changes.


You are right, original PAT file format does not have different volumes for each variation.
They have added this from the Audya file format (not yet fully supported in vArranger)


I suspected it was a format problem. Because with the style .sty I had no problem