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New General MIDI Sound Expander Module V3 SONORITY

Started by haweneu, October 04, 2017, 06:20:04 PM

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here is a new GM Soundmodule from Austria. V3 SONORITY.

Please hear some sounds in Youtube!
Based on SAM5716 digital Audio DSP! 4GB maximal Samplememory. USB Host for keyboard connect.
GM Sounds occupy 2,6GB!

The rest memory of 1,4GB can optionaly equipped with the following sounds:

Celtic Sounds
100 Organs
100 Accordions
Tradition 1000

There are also some special accordion sounds like Steirische, Schwyzer Örgli.... and some alpine sounds like Bariton ...

In the next weeks i get a test module. Then i will inform you here about sound quality compared to my SD1000!


Interesting.   They have info on the module only in German now.   I have some of their products.  Excellent sounds.   Keep us posted and let us know how it works with vArranger. 


Ok. If you have questions you can EMAIL to V3sound also in englisch!

I informed them that we need an INS-File for VA2.

Next week i hope i can test it!

Igor Electronician


Hi all,

Price Info:
SONORITY   equipped with 2,6GB GM Sounds and Drumsets         389,- Euro

Software expansion packs, must be installed in factory prior to delivery!!!!
100 Orgeln (Organs) => Hammond B3, Wersi, ....                                  99,- Euro
100 Accordions         => french, italian, german, diatonic steirische .     99,- Euro
Celtic                        => bagpipes, Flutes , irish accordions ...               99,- Euro

Igor Electronician


newest info!

Klaus from V3Sound will make a special Soundmodule based on the standard V3 Sonority for VA2.
Next music trade fair in Frankfurt 2018 it should be ready!
If users have special wishes for example implementation of special megavoices for Yamaha Styles they can report this here!

I have the first version from Sonority and will report in the next weeks about sounds!
My first soundcheck is very convincingly!
GM Sounds are very realistic!

More infos in the next weeks!


Hi all,

here can you hear the classic orchestra sounds, that are included in the basic version from V3 Sonitory Expander.

Best regards


Hi Werner, I like the concept: I would very much like to see at least 3-6x more samples of church organ, 3-6x more German organ and 3-6x more Hammond organ sounds, also the ability to add extra memory so that all the extra packs can be purchased together.

How is the testing going?



Hi Phil,
test in the moment is stopped because i am sick!

Add extra memory is possible because of SAM5716 as soundgenerator can have 8GB external sample memory.
In the moment it has 4GB. But in the moment V3SOUND has no plan to add 4GB memory because of hardware costs!

I tested most sounds and it has very very good sounds, most better than SD1000! The only problem is that you have to select sounds with INS-File and with SD1000 it is simpler!

I compared some Songs played with SD1000 and the same song then played with V3SONORITY.
I hear no difference! Many Solosounds like classic orchestra, accordion or hammond and Wersi sounds are better in quality!

But V3SOUND will for music fair frankfurt have a special V3SONORITY compatibel to SD1000!

Best regards


Hello Werner,

Thanks for the info, and may you get well soon  ;D

Bye the way, I have seen Deebach has finally released their Max (61 keys) and Maximus (88 keys) with following soundlist:

Were you able to test this instrument in real-time? If so how does the Deebach Max(imus) compare to the V3 Sonority  Based on the given soundlist I think I would prefer the V3 Sonority since it at least containes a few stops of Classical organ and a nice selection of Theatre organ. The Max seems to be very strong on their Sax, the sax sounds of sonority on You Tube seemed a little weak to me. The great plus of the V3 Sonority would be the released INS-file and special adaptation for V-arranger.




thank you.

I own no Deebach Max and heared only the sounds in youtube. Sound is good!

V3Sonority has more than this one sax demo in youtube!
And the gm sounds and the organ and accordion expansion soundpacks are very very good!
Theater organs and Hammond or german organ sounds very realistic! I own a Wersi Spectra and use it as Masterkeyboard for VA2. Sine Drawbar Sound from Sonority sounds like Wersi Spectra!
And Sonority has some good Wersi Helios Sounds!
Hear it on youtube!

Klaus from V3Sound will build a special edition for VA2 at music fair francfurt in 2018.

In the moment he has one SD1000 rent from me for implementation of the same soundbanks in Sonority!

Best regard


Hi Werner,

I can't wait to hear the result of the optimised V3 Sonority for v-Arranger 2 8)  :o 8) :)

Merry Christmass to you and to everybody on the forum  :) :) :)