Pre-Sales Questions regarding MIDI export, updates and Yamaha Styles

Started by TechnicsKN7000, June 01, 2016, 09:23:19 PM

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Hi Dan,

I can see that you support your users well and I've been reading through lots of forum topics. I have a few questions before purchase.

I use exclusively Technics instruments and I'm the Webmaster of and several other Technics-inspired websites. I've spoken to a few Technics owners who are using vArranger and it seems to do what they need. As I'm an advanced Technics user who helps many other Technics owners with their instruments (we have almost 5000 Members at the moment), I hope you'll support me with any specific issues I might encounter with Technics instruments.

In the features section you say "SONG CHORDS : Create full backing tracks in few minutes, selecting style, entering chords and variations. Export to midifile". Does the generated midifile then contain the individual notes that are being played by the auto accompaniment? I.e. Does it contain actual notes of the accompaniment guitars, bass etc etc, or does it contain only the 3 or 4 notes of the chord that is being played?

if I'm playing a Yamaha Style (assuming that I've loaded an appropriate ins file for my keyboard), can I change the instruments that are playing in the Style? Will those instrument changes persist if I export to a midifile?

I often work at my desk using my Technics KN7000 as a sound generator and a Samson Graphite midi controller on my desk. I'm assuming that I could control vArranger with my midi controller and use the KN7000 as a sound generator as I usually do?

Thinking about Yamaha Styles in particular, I've listened to some Youtube demos and they sound great. Are you reading the drums data for the various Yamaha kits and re-mapping it to standard GM kits? I would just like to know a little bit more about how you take the drumkit information and re-send it (and how it saves into an exported midi file).

Some of the later Yamaha instruments have Super Articulation voices (and other Yamaha names that I don't know) and as you know, lots of the data is for strum sounds, string scrapes and artisculations. How do you deal with that data being converted to GM? Of course I'm not expecting you to explain all the extreme detail, I'm just wondering whether you filter it out or if you convert it by re-mapping it etc?

The reason that all of the above is important to me is that I make a lot of Technics Styles for my members, so I'm acquainted with many of the Yamaha-specific anomalies because I have to run Styles through many different programs to result in a good effect on all the Technics models. And, for example, I have to create Technics-specific User Drum Kits to deal with the re-mapping of the Yamaha drumkits. For the Megavoices or whatever Yamaha calls the 'new' voices I often have to edit or delete the special high and low notes which, as you will know, send special data that is specific to those voices. By having some understanding of how vArranger deals with these (specifically when exporting midi) it will help me to understand how useful the programme might be for me.

Many thanks,


One more question - you don't have a mailing list? I notice many threads with people asking for the latest updates. Isn't this automated somehow or do you email all owners when you issue an update?



I am just reading this message, but this no more a pre sales question as you have bought vArranger in between :)

Thank you for your purchase and welcome to you.

vArranger tries to do its best with all the subject you are talking about.

Spend your first hours with vArranger, and then we will talk more precisely if you have questions.






many thanks. Yes this is a really good feature!

Best wishes,

Gunnar J

Quote from: TechnicsKN7000 on June 01, 2016, 09:25:10 PM
One more question - you don't have a mailing list? I notice many threads with people asking for the latest updates. Isn't this automated somehow or do you email all owners when you issue an update?



This is something that I've noticed as well, all the posts asking for the updated version, and when I buy vArranger I would like to have the updates automaticly rather than ask for it every time a new version are ready.

I've bought a Akai MPK Pro 61 to use with vArranger when I buy it, and hopefully it will work well. But, first it's time to take our motorhome out for the summer holidays travel. :)

Mike, are you using KN7k to run vArr. or a controller keyboard?


GJ, I'm using different keyboards to try it out. KN7000, P50 and WSA1. But I'm not getting much spare time to play lately :) Frustrating :)