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Wersi Organ Sounds

Started by Donny, February 24, 2015, 06:48:06 AM

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Hello to all,

i am searching for Wersi (Helios, Galaxis, Spectra CD) Organ Sounds (.sf2).
The Tyros sounds very good and there are some good wersi sounds. That are all samples ?
Do anyone have some wersi sounds for use in vArranger 2 ?



Do you know this VST?

You can try the demo, to see if you like the sound

I know that their new version 2.5 will allow to control the drawbars from the vArranger VST controllers, if you have any midi sliders...


Yes i have the version one and also the new version 2.
This organ is very good, but the lesly is not like the wersivoice.
....or i cannot use it correct.....
The wersivoice is for me a very good lesly, and that is the wersi sound.
I must have much more time for the wer-sinus to try.


So they still have some work to do :)


If you like the vst organ and need a leslie - you could try this's for free!!

Spiner LE - Leslie simulator v.1.0 (freeware)

Read here:

download here:
Regards Michael


Hello Michael,

thank you, i will try it.
But the wersivoice is a very special lesly.
The fast sound has in the deep placement a twitter sound.
Together it is a very special sound and i like it very much.

There are a lot of organs and lesly and the hammond sound is perfect as vst,
(VB3 one of the best hammond sounded instruments for me).



in my opinion very authentic Wersi sounds for 785 euro/ 833 euro:

The company sells a USB stick for the Korg , for those that do not own a Korg: there is a keyboard (called Max) for less than 50 euro more. Maybe you can convince Deebach to realse a SF2 Donny  :P  :P :P


Make one Leslie effect is a simple thing. Sound of one orgel make not its Leslie
but quality of sampled Pipes, than  tipicaly orgel effects like distortion or Spring
Hall, and last but not least, Ambient (Resonator) effect, if we speak about big church
orgel. It is not so difficult to make Wersi simmilar organ sounds, they are all with
some HiFi touch, with much Hall effect and sweetenes. We can test it. You give
me one audio example of one Wersi orgel sound, and I shall try to make it in SF2
or NI Kontakt fomat. 


@ Phil
It is very interesting. I haven't heared of this Deebach. Good Demos to listen, thank you.

@ Agaton
I will search for a wersi sound and mail it to you.
For me the Wesivoice Leslie is perfect Wersi sound. In the fast there is a twitter in the sound.
When you take a wersi and put it on a "normal" leslie, you have a "hammond" sound, but no wersi.


Send it to me, I shall try !!!


@ Donny. Agaton is in the final stages of bringing out his TransAudio Custum module and has agreed to take a serious shot in sampling the German home organs. He has promised me to send me some sound demos for evaluation before the release end of july 2015. Would you be interested to receive a copy and let your evaluation be known, since I know you too a very passionate about the Wersi sound. Details of this TransAudio Custum module: GMbank of 17Gb, total sample content of 100 Gb,comes installed on Samsung 250 gb usb3 drive that has the size of a credit card (will boot with Windows8 that is specially tweaked for optimal Audio use all aspects of the tones can fully be altered, midirecorder and player and style converter included. Fully compatible with vArranger2, costs 530 euro without vArranger, if Dan is notified a vArranger2 can be unlocked on this usb3 drive).  Google transaudio forum for more info or ask Agaton.
So Donny, please let me know if you are interested to evaluate. I have an excellent ear, but am not a native Englush speaker and may not be able to convey in words precisely what changes I feel need to be made :o
Gr, Phil


Yes, i am interested !!!!!!
That sounds very good. I will listen to the demo sounds.


OK Donny, I will contact you via this forum when I receive the demo sounds of Agaton  8)



 Some more info on the TA Sound Engine I found on the TransAudio forum today 'TA Sound Engine with all sounds is pretty big. It will be about 600 Sound Programs and many thousend samples. All sounds will be Multilayered and in stereo (cause of ambient and autentic resonator of instruments), with many Controllers implemented (SA and MV in Yamahas terminology, or RX in Korg terminology, or Super Natural in Roland terminology)' ---- The Tyros/ Korg and Roland MIDI files will therefore sound much richer than on  their hardware counterparts, but and I quote again' Dan have to play in the "same liga" because I need his help by Program Change and Midi Convert of some Midi events, and I hope he will make that'.

@ mr Dan: A)will you make the necessary changes as described above when Agaton brings out his TA sound Engine? My purchase of your VArranger2 software will depend on this implementation  ???
                 B) in what time frame are you going to implement the 'Essemble' function, with freely assignable functions: example: Essemble Voice (1) alt, (2) tenor1, (3) tenor2,(4) bass, whereby  you can freely assign any instrument to the Essemble voice 1,2,3, 4. Varranger2 will then divide the cords to each Essemble voice. You can imagine: professional styles combined with an Essemble voice function connected to a professional sounding library: this will sound grand  8)


I don't know what is this story about ' Program Change and Midi Convert of some Midi events :) ' Maybe Agaton can explain it to me.
I hope to add HARMONY and ENSEMBLE somewhere in 2015


Hi Phil,
i am also interested on Wersi Demo Sounds from Agaton!
I own a Wersi Spectra for compare and also a Hammond C3 for GM Sound Organ compare!


@ Dan: a) I am very glad to hear you are going to implement HARMONY and ENSEMBLE later this year
            b) I am planning to buy the TA custum from Agaton (530 euro) that will come with the vArranger2 on the usb3 drive (880 euro's for the total package incl USB3drive, soundengine and vArranger) when it comes out and I will than ask that Agaton contacts you about these changes: I have all confidence you will handle these issues perfectly (as usual  ;D )

@ Hawenue: no problem 8) 8) 8) , I will contact you as soon as I get them. It seems you have the hardware to really make an informed opinion  that will lead to a valuable contribution.
     ps1. If you contact Agaton on his website 'Google transaudio forum) you can even ask him to make a price quote for the 'tailored' sound engine you want (and pay less). I personally wanted everything, but you can also choose a smaller one, if you allready own the sounds you like. I choose for the full option, since it also comes included with  lifelong updates and support. I feel compared to the Ketron SD1000, the TransAudio Custum is smaller much smaller, starts up faster (boots windows8 solid disk usb3 drive) and the sample sounds on facebook (of vArranger) sound very promising, as does als the HQclarinet TransAudio demo on You tube. I am hoping there will be less compatibility issues with this TAcustum than with the SD1000, especially after Agaton has communicated the desired changes.


Quote from: Dan on June 18, 2015, 08:52:15 AM
I don't know what is this story about ' Program Change and Midi Convert of some Midi events :) ' Maybe Agaton can explain it to me.
Dan it is nothng so grandious, It is old story about Routed Midi Commands in some Modus (GM, XG, SD2, SD1000...) there are  only bagatelle events. It is nothing big or fundamental. I shell contact you cause of that in the next time. I know it will be very lite for you to make. Don`t worry about it.


Agaton has sent me some sf2 files of the Wersimatic. This was my reply 'Thanks for your effort mr TransAudio!

Like I told you earlier I am not very computer smart, so I do not know how to use the sf2 files. Is there a way you can post this file at least to the 2 people on the vArranger2 forum that have agreed to evaluate the sampling (see Wersi thread). Thanks :P '


You can use it with vArranger2 Synthesizer, or on one of SF2 Player
or synthesizer. There were many free aplications for SF2 files, I send
to you today, one new WersiMatic WM24 DrumKit, that is edited for
playing in vArrangeur2 or any VST PlugIn for Drum SF2 instruments.
It has 128:026 Bank and Program Change number, and it is one "free"
place on GM/XG Standard .


@ Donny
@ Hawenue

I was expecting mr. Agaton to send me some examples of his samplings of the Wersi organs and on my request he even sampled a WersiMatic WM24. I was assuming I would get some mp3 audio examples to review. Instead I received some sf2 soundfonts. Since I do not own vArranger2 yet, and have no wish to dive myself in computer matters unless I have a fully working soundengine available that can play styles better than the Tyros 5, I have to depend on you two good people to evaluate it for me (check your private messages for the sf2 fount and please do NOT distribute it), maybe if you have time, even to private message me a mp3 recording if you have the means to do this. Could you tell me your opinion through private message please. I feel that mr. Agaton has the right to hear the first evaluations of his sweat before anybody else and if necessary to be given the opportunity to improve the sf2 soundfonts, before it is posted on a public post: good or not so good, at least he deserves this respect  :) for his great effort he is putting into this project. 8)

Of course these samples only represent the vintage drummachine of Wersi, the samling of the Wersisounds is scheduled to come out end of july... I am happy that Agaton lives in Germany, the land of Wersi, with many working vintage Wersi organ (allthough mr. Agaton told me he will also be looking at the latest Wersi organ) 8) 8) 8)


Hi Phil,
today i made a test of WM24 sounds from agaton with Polyphase SF2 Editor.

Sounds like the real WM24 (over 20 years ago a tested a WM24), but i dont have one WM24 in the Moment to exact compare the sound.
I own a wersi spectra for compare!


@ Hawenue: Thank you for your evaluation: it is very encouraging to hear that mr. Agaton could deliver on his promise. I hope that mr. Agaton will also be able to sample some specific Wersi Spectra sounds: with  16 bit Wave Form Sampling , in which every voice is made of three subvoices, thus making it possible to construct your own sounds :: certainly warmer than the earlier 12bit organs, but these iron sounding organs (and it's drum machines) had a charm of their own if used with the appropriate choice of voice, and thanks to mr. Agaton a good old Wersimatic WM24 drummachine will be added to the TA custum soudnd engine ::) :P :-* . I also very much hope that mr Agaton will be able to get his hands on a good Wersi Helios however, and sample it's many variations, inclusive the airy sounds. I believe that Claus Wonderlich in terms of contemporate organ playing is kind of a 'golden standard' - for me at least: he really added soul and fun while playing the Wersi Helios.


Schade ein alter Tread. Sehr interessant.
Ich habe Wersi OAS Sf2 Bank


Meinst du die Sf2 von Norbert? Ich probiere sie gerade aus. Besser als nichts für die Wersi-Klänge, aber für meine Ohren klingt Wer-Sinus viel besser - lebendiger und "organischer". Vielleicht liegt es daran, dass es nicht auf Samples basiert, sondern eine virtuelle Emulation ist. Das einzige Problem mit dem Plugin ist, dass das VST3-Plugin auf keine CC-Nachrichten reagiert. Das 32-Bit-Plugin funktioniert gut, aber man kann es nicht nativ in den heutigen 64-Bit-VST-Hosts abspielen. Also habe ich Hans geschrieben und ihn ermutigt, es zu aktualisieren. Sein VST-Instrument ist wirklich einzigartig und es braucht mehr Anerkennung und Aufmerksamkeit. Entschuldigung, mein Deutsch ist durch den MS AI-Motor.