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Ketron SD2 or SD4?

Started by Deane, May 05, 2011, 01:36:49 AM

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What would be the advantage or disadvantage of using the
SD4 instead of the SD2?   Or, Ketron now has an Audya module
does that work with Varranger?



The sound is better for the sd4 because the converters are more clean.

vArranger does work with any expandeurs


The Ketron SD2 and SD4 own the same sounds.

Avantage of the SD2 :
- More compact box !!!!!
- Cheaper
- More powerfull and dense SOUNDS (more in face for drum and bass)

Avantage of the SD4 :
- Some buttons to control the SD4. But we don't need them with vArranger
- 2nd midi Input, but we don't need it with vArranger
- USB powered sound module and USB/MIDI interface with only One cable to the PC.  BUT !!!  the USB interface is not working good on windows Vista/7 !
- Pro format Jack audio outs (rca for SD2)
- More clean and treble definition sound. Finally I add some bass to the vArranger SD2's BASS BOOST, and get the best sound from the SD4

My conclusion would go for the Ketron SD2



Ketron Audya sound module is not in the same range of prices (10 times) than the Ketron SD2