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Track Octave

Started by Bernie9, August 23, 2010, 09:54:45 AM

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I need to permanently lower one of my sounds one octave and leave the rest as is, and save in My Sounds.


Just select this RIGHT sound, then double clik on the track right 1 (and maybe 2/3/4 too) to enter into the sound edit mode.

Adjust the transpose to -12

Then save the sound



Thanks Dan.  I have it


Bernie, Dan Good morning

I have exactly the same need as you, Bernie,  and very pleased  to find and read this thread.

However, I cannot do what is described, I think that I miss the step that saves the adjustment ( -12 in transpose) in My Sounds  ? Could you please, Bernie, give me an indication about My Sounds. Is it a folder that I need to create under Varrangerdata\Sounds ? Thanks for your help, I really need that feature so much.



Hi Hieu,

- Double clik on the Right 1/2/3/4/SecondVoice Trak that you need to edit.
- Lower the transpose -12. Close the windows.
- Give a name to you sound, and select a sound group. This will create a new sound with all your settings saved (5 channels, volumes, pan, FX, transpose...).
- You can drag and drop this sound from the list to the MY SOUNDS bar, an many others ones.
- You can SAVE SONG with your 10 favorites sounds on the MY SOUND BAR

Let me know if one step is still missing to you



Hi Dan,

I followed your instruction, and it now works perfectly.
Thank you so much, definitively this forum is great to communicate and get help.

The step I missed was, once the sound is adjusted, I saved it, but must close the V-arranger, then re-start it before able to see the newly user defined sound, and assign it to the My sounds window , and use it with the song.

All problem  now solved, I am very happy to use  the V-Arranger with the newly defined sound.

Have a good day, Dan.


You don't need to close vArranger to see the newly saved sounds. Once you save them, they are directly added and selected on the sound selector. (right vertical list)

Note that to see the users sounds, and other presets, you need to select first the RIGHT master track or the LEFT master track  (close to master volume)

You are then free to select this new sound as any other provided sounds. (for the right hand, and.or for the left hand)

When you Save the song, you can choose the Right hand sound who will be used with the style, or/and add it to the my sound bar)
