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Messages - sjmarano

Thanks for all the advice, Dan.
I've got some configuring and experimenting to do and then will be back.
Good luck in your own ventures...
Understand.  I was going off of some old (2010) threads where individuals were asking about
getting a copy of 'the demo.'

Key for me then before the purchase is to set up Windows on the MacBook and see how
things go with copying over the key music software I use (Cubase,  VSTs, etc.) to the Windows environment.
If that goes well,  then I'd make the purchase.

Two quick last questions:

- I assume when I purchase,  your on-line ordering can handle conversion from Euros to dollars?
And could you tell me what the current price would be in dollars?

- You said that you're using a Mac running Windows.  Which OS would you recommend?
I was thinking of going with Windows 7 in 32 bit edition because that should give most flexilibity (I think).
Would you agree?  I could go Windows XP or Windows 7 64-bit.

Steve Marano

thanks Dan for the responses.   Seems like the logical thing for me to do is to try the demo, as for me the key factor will be figuring out whether / how to set up a Windows version of my software.
Is there a link to where I can download, and could you briefly describe differences between demo and full version?
Thank you for your quick responses!
Thanks, Dan and Bernie.
I do have a few more questions. 
Dan, under different circumstances I would probably just call you, as it would
be a lot more efficient and quicker to get through these questions that way,  but I'm guessing you live in France (grin)...

1 - I realized after I sent the first e-mail that Varranger only works under Windows?
Ironically,  while I have been a Windows user for several decades,  I purchased my first MacBook Pro (late 2011 version)
earlier this year and have purchased/installed OSX music software basically to avoid the hassle of finding the right combination
of Windows-based MIDI and audio interfaces (the old 'it just works' on the Mac side).   I've got Yamaha's FW16e fireware MIDI/audio
interface card installed to connect with the MacBook and it's been working really well for me. So couple of questions:
  a - I'm guessing I would have to run Varranger under Bootcamp, or possibly VMWare?   
If so,  do you know if there will be any complications this might cause?  Last thing I want to do
is have to purchase an audio interface board for the Mac, given that the Motif card has been working so well.
  b - Any preference for running Varranger under Windows XP vis a vis Windows 7 under Bootcamp?

2 - Bernie states there might be latency problems if I use my VSTs.   Is that likely to be true with the above MacBook configuration?

3 - This is more a MacBook question than anything:  I've currently got Omnisphere, Synthogy (great piano)  and Kontakt sample libraries installed on a separate partition in my MacBook.  If I create a Windows partition under Bootcamp and install the Omnisphere/Synthogy/Kontakt run-time programs there, can they access the sample libraries on the separate partition?  Or do I have to install a completely separate and duplicate set of samples to run under Windows?

4 - I'm guessing I could eliminate a lot of hassle with VSTs and having to install multiple versions of software if I simply use the sounds in my Motif, and possibly supplement them with a sound module like the SD2.   I'm curious how the SD2 compares in sound quality to the Motif, and more importantly to the Tyros or PSR-S910/950?   Are the sounds comparable in quality to what's in the Audya?  Anything else you'd recommend in a similar sound module price range?   

5 - One thing I thought about doing was to purchase Varranger and possibly Korg's new Krome keyboard as an alternative to purchasing
a Tyros 4 or even the new PSR-S950.  Would be significantly less expensive and more versatile.    Any thoughts on how the Krome
(it's basically a Korg M50 with far better piano samples) might work out with Varranger?

6 - Last, and I guess I could best answer this by downloading and trying out the Varranger demo:  I am under impression that it's a
PITA to modify Yamaha styles to access alternative sounds, which obviously is what I would have to do in order to use Varranger
with my Motif.   How difficult is this to do using Varranger?   

Again, sorry for the number of questions.  Dan, if it's easier for you to respond to these via phone,
I'd be happy to call you at a time that's convenient.  Just let me know.

Steve Marano
I'm new to this forum, and new to arranger-style hardware/software in general, so I apologize
in advance if this question has been asked/answered before.  And if so,  feel free to point me to
an existing thread...

I'm getting back into keyboards for home studio use after a prolonged absence.
I've got a Motif XF8 and a Yamaha KX61 (MIDI controller), and I want to complement them with an arranger-style keyboard.
I've been looking at a Tyros 4 or possibly the new Yamaha PSR-S950,  but someone suggested
that I consider Varranger2 and couple it with the KX61/Motif as a far more cost effective
way to accomplish the same thing.   

So I have two really basic questions: 
First, can I essentially duplicate the functionality of the Tyros with Varranger2 in conjunction with this keyboard combination?
Second,  I've got a pretty good collection of soft synth and sample-based VSTs (e.g. Omnisphere, Kontakt).
Would these be effective for use in conjunction with Varranger, or should I consider picking up the SD2?

Any help/advice with above would be greatly appreciated.

Steve in Jersey