Did you see the right corner off the page :) Thanks Dan...
Yes, I just have to find 2 hours today to translate the news from french to english :)
Style mixer not showing up when you click on it.
Style mixer only works for Yamaha and Roland styles for now
Ok thanks. What about the markers section. Can you post a midi file that has markers so we can try. Thanks
Again for this wonderful update.
Just try this midifile !
I will post the news in english very soon.
I am up to 1.16beta8 . Is this the final version 1.16 ? If so where do i download it ?
Once again thanks Dan for your great software .
I also would like to download the 1,16 Version
Hi Dan,
Can I have the link to down load the 1.16 version please.
Thank you so much.
Hi Dan,
Can you send me the download link for V1.16.
The official 1.16 post is now ready !