It is 4:40AM and Glenda and I are getting ready to drive to my 6AM appointment at the hospital.
My Surgery is scheduled for 7:30AM today. I think I told you after doing the MRI, CT, Xrays, and
Nerve Conduction tests they determined I have a very severe Cervical Spinal Stenosis from C3-C6.
Today they will try to fuse them and perhaps that will solve the problem.
I have had to cancel all my gigs for September and October because they told me to expect not to get
around very easily for about 2 months and certainly not to lift anything at all or to drive a car. Complete
healing time might be up to a year they said.
Glenda will keep all our friends updated as the day passes today. Hope all is well with you and your day
is a good one.
Hi Deane,
I hope everything will going well with your surgery today.
We REALLY need you here for long years with a good health.
Let us know how everything is going.
I wish you a successful surgery and a speedy complete recovery and the best of health for many many years to come.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery
Hi Deane,
Sorry to hear about your issues.
I Pray that your recovery goes well for you.
I too had a MRI, Nerve Conduction, etc, but my issues are nowwhere near yours.
I feel for you mate.
Hi Deane,
I was late for this news but still want to wish you get well soon.
all the best Dean
Very best wishes Deane,
Hope you have a speedy recovery,
Hi Deanne,
all the best with your surgery.
My surgery went well but I have to say the last two days were pretty darn miserable. Recovery is the real monster here. Swallowing was next to impossible because of swelling around the incision point. Even water did not go down easily. Finally the steroid pills began to work and the swelling subsided enough for me to barely be able to eat cream of wheat late last night. There has been very little pain with all of this but I did get a good supply of pain drugs when I needed them. Weakness and unsteadiness is a real problem caused simply by my body dealing with the surgery. Finally I was able to eat potatoes and soup and walk about 50 feet without assistance.
I was sent home today from the hospital. According to the surgeon it was a "text book" success. He said I have very good bone structure which means the fusion should last a very long time if there is no trauma to my head or neck area.
My recovery time for playing gigs will be about 6 months because of the restrictions on driving and lifting things. Full recovery will be about a year. I setup my studio before going in for my surgery so I will be able to spend time at my keyboards. So far all my gig clients have been very understanding and have been wiling to reschedule gigs for later this year.
I ordered the new Yamaha PSR S950 and will buy the Korg PA600 if it comes out soon. That will give me plenty to do with my down time and perhaps re-invent my act. I'll probably show up on the forum more and just keep in touch with everyone.
So now it is a waiting game and hoping I do nothing stupid to cause harm to the fused area. My wife has become the "caregiver" I never wanted her to become but I guess that is what Love really means – doing what is needed in times of crisis.
I want to thank everyone for your gracious posts of prayers and wishes for my well being. It meant a lot to me.
Hi Deane,
It's great to hear that you're doing well & that your surgery was a textbook success. Just take it easy for the next 6 months to a year & enjoy your new yamaha & korg "toys". I hope that doesn't mean that you're going to abandon vArranger..... ;)
Welcome back!
Hi Deane,
I am happy to hear things went well for you. And it's lovely to hear about your partner being your helper, without these precious partners we have
life can be very lonely. I am very gateful for my wife and I bet you sure are too. Say hello to her for me.
Take care, I am sure we will hear more from you soon as to help pass the time.
Hi Deane
So glad everything went as hoped for. It won't be a walk in the park, but it could have been worse. Hang in there buddy.
Hi Deane,
so glad that everything went well for you and because of your positive attitude I'm sure you'll have a very speedy recovery.
Very best wishes,
Latest update: A setback due to meds prescribed. Seems like the pain medication and the steroids don't blend well for me. I haven't slept now for nearly two days due to the effects of the steroids. Now I know what they mean when people talk about being "steroid crazy". These things cause a lot of anxiety, irrational fears and loss of sleep. I am experiencing all of these. Now we have to try a different anti-inflammatory agent to keep the swelling in my neck under control. Swallowing has gotten difficult again because they took me off the steroids and pain meds for now. Strangely, the actual incision point has no related pain at all. I am learning spinal fusion of any kind is a tricky business. Daily my numbness and tingling comes and goes and seems to be still present. Day by day folks!
Hi Deane
So sorry to hear of your setback. It must be miserable. Let's hope they can get you the correct combination of meds ASAP.
We are thinking of you in those hard moments of life...
Hope things work out Dene.