Hello, I just recently purchased vArranger and am looking for a Windows 7 tablet to run it on.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Here is one that I am thinking about.
Hi Wally,
I just bought this computer to use with vArranger. It runs great on it and was in
very expensive $329.00 US dollars.
I think Wally wants a computer with a touch screen.
vArranger will work OK with your suggested tablet, but I am afraid that you will want better soon.
We are waiting for the new Microsoft Surface for Windows 8 Pro to be released the end of year.
If you can't wait, there is another model who is very good :
If you go with Windows 8 check to make sure your midi controller will have a midi driver ready
for Windows 8. I have a Roland controller and Roland has been slow to get out a driver for Windows 8
even though you can download Windows 8 now as a trial version.
Thanks for the relies. Yes, I am looking for a touch screen tablet to run vArranger on, like Dan said. The reason being, I want to set it on my music stand that is attached to my keyboard. I have been using my iPad in this way for quite awhile & find that it works best "for me". Right now I am running vArranger on a Lenovo S10 netbook & it works very well but I find the keyboard of the netbook itself to be in my way.
I thought that I had found my "perfect tablet" in a Samsung Slate 7 but after doing some research on the web, I found out that there were issues with screen separation & I am not ready to deal with that kind of thing so therefor my search continues. So after spending the last couple of days & countless hours on the internet looking for a "perfect tablet", I am getting frustrated & ready to settle for anything that will run vArranger.
I really appreciate all opinions & advice. Keep them coming.
Hi Guys,
Well, as it turns out, I couldn't wait for the Microsoft Surge (No big surprise there....lol) so I took Dan's advice & purchased an Asus EEE EP121 Tablet. I should receive it sometime this week. The Asus Tablet combined with vArranger is going to give me that "Perfect Arranger Setup" that I've been searching for......for years. New technology is wonderful!!!
Congratulation Wally !
When received, send us pictures of your full new setup :)
Quote from: Dan on August 23, 2012, 09:13:51 PM
I think Wally wants a computer with a touch screen.
vArranger will work OK with your suggested tablet, but I am afraid that you will want better soon.
We are waiting for the new Microsoft Surface for Windows 8 Pro to be released the end of year.
If you can't wait, there is another model who is very good :
+1 Dan...the Surface is looking very promising so far...I assume you will port to the "full" version and not the RT version of Windows 8?
Yes, the Windows RT does not own any MIDI functions.
Quote from: Dan on August 23, 2012, 09:13:51 PM
I think Wally wants a computer with a touch screen.
vArranger will work OK with your suggested tablet, but I am afraid that you will want better soon.
We are waiting for the new Microsoft Surface for Windows 8 Pro to be released the end of year.
If you can't wait, there is another model who is very good :
Big +1 from me...But it will need to be the Pro version and NOT the RT version of W8..the RT will be barely enough for a basic tablet operation let alone adding samples and stuff, although probably okay for the basic midi tasking of vArranger to an external module.
From what I know, you can't connect to any MIDI device at all with the Windows 8 RT version.
Only the pro version, on the normal Windows side.
Ahhh okay Dan, no probs...I thought I had read somewhere that you could, with a separate interface and drivers, but not within the core OS of the RT version. I probably misread the report..
Hi Guys,
Well, I received the Asus eee EP121 Slate, loaded vArranger onto it & am very happy with it. Got it hooked up to my keyboard controller & vArranger runs flawlessly. I'm so excited about this setup, I'm going to post some pictures (if I can figure out how) as soon as I can get myself to stop playing with my new arranger setup.
Amazing !
From what I know, you are the first vArranger user who bought the Asus EP121 slate !
I am sure you will enjoy it a lot.
Well Dan tbh, vA is only dealing with midi data so really pretty much any atom based processor will work fine with it (assuming it is a Windows machine that is). If a user wants to use soft synths (vst's if you like) and other audio processing (apart from audio file playback) then the processor needs WAY more grunt than is on an Atom.
I daresay vArranger could even run on a netbook - as you know midi data takes so little resources to run.
It's true that vArranger is highly optimized to not use too much CPU and RAM, and can work on a very cheap computer too.
But it's better to get a more powerful computer, to help it to be more relaxed while music is playing :)
Also, think about the future of vArranger.......
Absolutely Dan, I totally agree...Just saying it so those who cannot afford much more than a netbook or atom system, can STILL get a great result from vA..
When I first purchased vArranger, I loaded it onto my Lenovo S10 netbook & experienced some problems. Every once in awhile there would be a hesitation while playing a style or a SMF. It was at random & it didn't happen in the same place but I did notice that when it happened, my hard drive light would come on. Also, I had to play the chord 2 times with my left hand inorder to start my styles. I got some suggestions from various people as how to fix these problems but to no avail. So You see, vArranger did not run on my netbook without problems.
And now with your EP121?
Quote from: WallyH on September 03, 2012, 09:23:31 PM
When I first purchased vArranger, I loaded it onto my Lenovo S10 netbook & experienced some problems. Every once in awhile there would be a hesitation while playing a style or a SMF. It was at random & it didn't happen in the same place but I did notice that when it happened, my hard drive light would come on. Also, I had to play the chord 2 times with my left hand inorder to start my styles. I got some suggestions from various people as how to fix these problems but to no avail. So You see, vArranger did not run on my netbook without problems.
hmm, I tend to think it was more to do with the setup and installed programs, and background services, that had more to do with it. Midi transmission and the low graphics overhead of vA would not have caused it. That was a quote low spec netbook, but even so, setup properly.....what was the actual s10 model there were several releases over a few years...
Hi Dan,
Since I am running vArranger on the Asus EP121, there are absolutely no issues especially none of the problems that I had with the Lenovo netbook.
My Asus EP121 has a Dual Core Intel i5 CPU, not an Atom based CPU.....
Hi Wally well, that would certainly make a huge difference...but I was having a re-read of your post where you mentioned the glitching...the fact that it was random suggests it was not the power of the netbook, but as I said some background systems issues...which are for the most part can be stopped altogether. The smaller the processor the less background services you need to have on, so the cpu can dedicate most cycles to the direct task being run.
I stand by what I said that a Netbook CAN run vA, with a caveat that older Atom's need OS tweaks...The new Atom processors are terrific in what they can do, and they are powering 90% of the netbook and Tablet market...and folks using the latest netbooks are having no real issues with multi tasking.
Wally, you would not believe how LITTLE cpu cycles MIDI actually uses....to see for yourself Windows does have diagnostics so you can load your midi program, take a note of how cpu adn ram is being used after it starts, then play a standard midi that is going to an external sound module (ie NOT using any soft synths, or the Windows system synth)......you will see hardly a move on the part of either the cpu or ram usage.
But having said all that ;) I think you made a great choice going to a the dual core CPU.....personally, I would be using a quad core as I also want to run VSTi's as the sound engine.
I have now come to a place in time where a lot of things have settled, and I can devote a lot more energy into really setting up vA and pushing to see just how far I can go with it :)
All the best with your new device 8)
I have used a couple of Atoms, including Lenevo, with no glitches whatsoever with vArranger.
Ok, as promised, here are some pics of my current setup. So far it is running absolutely flawlessly.
First of all I'd like to say that I am extremely thankful to Dan for 2 reasons: #1) Creating vArranger software and #2) suggesting the Asus EP121 to me.
This setup that I am using now is by far the most portable (everything is permanently mounted to the Rock n' Roller cart) & by far the best sounding system that I've had in all the years that I've been using arranger keyboards!
Hi Wally
A great looking compact rig. I am glad you found the right combination.
Hi Wally,
Thank you for posting the pictures of your setup.
It's a compact and lightweight addition to your setup, but a big improvement in sound and possibilities !
The EP121 is the best tablet PC out there.
Enjoy vArranger !!