Hi, in my study where I try to select the sounfonts for my vArranger setup, I have a single midi controller keyboard. Is it possible to use this keyboard to test eveything, like for example playing the style with left hand, and melody with right hand?
Currently, when I do this, the style does play and change chords correctly with the left hand, but I also hear the right hand sound everytime I play a chord with the left hand, and that sounds horrible.
Please anybody help, it does not have to be Dan, it can by anybody.
Maybe you have selected the FULL KEYBOARD button?
Or you have the same sound at the left and right hand.
You could have your SPLIT POINT set too low.
I have splitpoint set at G2, Full keyboard button is not pushed in. I get the right hand voices if I play below G2
Please help me in options, what must I do, and also thr "right" no buttons on screen are selected, and split point is G2.
Thank you all.
Clic on g2 and play a note on keyboard.
Lylo, it plays the 'LEFT' sound, because 'LOWER' is set to channel 1. This way, when I play a chord below G2, the style plays nicely, but also it plays all the sounds of 'Left".
When I change it so that "Upper" is channel one, then all the sounds of "Right" play, but then there is no style.
Do you use Organ mode, or Accordion mode in the MIDI OPTIONS?
I have tried both Dan.
What is your hardware
How it is connected
Show us picture screen of MIDI PORTS and vArranger
Here is a picture.
It is a usb keyboard.
What model of USB keyboard?
If you only use one keyboard, don't select MIDI ORGAN or MIDI ACCORDION
It is a cheap Sanchez Key Control 49. Perfect for my testing.
Thank you Dan. And I thought that I absolutely 'HAD' to select one of them. Now it is working wonderfully, I can also now use it with my digital piano, and go crazy! :)
Hi all,
I think I have a similar problem.
I mainly use the keyboard itself and I never extensively used Varranger (my fault !), but I would use it more.
I am in a similar scenario. One midi keyboard, same midi settings as the other user.
What I would like to achieve is to write the chords using the Varranger editor (and I found some useful videos on youtube, so that is ok). Then when the song plays, I would like to use my left hand to add some variations (for example an arpeggio with left hand or just add 2 additional chords) and with the right hand to play the melody .
So what effectively happens is that because I did not set it up correctly, whatever I try to do, Varranger recognizes the additional chords that I play with left hand and it becomes odd. Or sometimes if I go down G2 (for example) this also becomes a problem similar to the one described in this thread.
It's clear that I am quite confused but some help will definitely make things better.
Much appreciated your support.
You have change your pseudo ?
I don't see any similarities with the point of this post, that was caused by checking the ORGAN mode with only one keyboard.
For you : If you close the SONG CHORDS window, and activate the vRIFF button, then vArranger will play the chords for you, and still be able to play with your 2 hands