Have any of you used this soundfont wiht VA, is it any good?
I have and I was expecting the voicing to be good considering the size of the file but I was disappointed.
To you think the standard sounds that come with vArranger2 are better than Crisis GM Soundfont?
It's the day and the night. 8)
I think Brian ask about the standard vArranger sounds, and Lylo talk about the new SOUNDBANKS for vArranger
Oh yes Dan, it's right.
So, Crisis must be better than standard voice of vA, but poor compared to the new soundbanks.
Right now, I don't have money to buy your new sound-banks. I am happy with the sounds, but here and there I would like to replace some. Dan, than you for the information about the sound-fonts, in the other thread. To make sure I understand that write-up correctly.
1. If I want to 'replace' a preset in the standard list, I have to make sure that the the numbers in the replacement voice are as follows: For example, if I want to replace the Syn-Voice in your standard sound-font, I have to make the preset of the replacement numbers the same as in your Sound-font, then it will replace your standard voice with the new voice, in this case 000:054.
2. If I want to add a voice without replacing a standard voice, I have to name it 000: 054 2@newvoice
3. If you don't mind telling me what exactly 000:054 means, the 000 part, and the 054 part, please.
2-Yes, but you can do 002:054 it is more easy
3- 000 mean the BANK number (BANK CC 0 MSB) and 054 mean PRESET number 54
Thank you very much Dan.
If I do as you say, 002:054, will this new sound show up in on the buttons in the program as an additional sound, or will it only show up on the list of other sounds when you click the soundfont button?
Yes all loaded sounds are in the sound buttons. So if the place is empty for 002:054, you can take it.
It is smart to put similar sounds with the same preset number , but different banks
Thank you Dan, I tried it, and now there is an extra sound on the buttons, in the 'Choir' section. This is SPECTACULAR, this is what I have been dreaming about for years. It is actually even much better than what I could have dreamed it could be.....
Thank you :) Yes it is :)
2-Yes, but you can do 002:054 it is more easy
3- 000 mean the BANK number (BANK CC 0 MSB) and 054 mean PRESET number 54
I have a soundfont, when I open it with Polyphone, I see for BANK, it has various number, for example, it has 000, then it also has 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007,008, 009, 016, 024, 032, and then 128. I think 128 you said is for the drum sets. Would that mean, that I can also use those BANK numbers, in order to get even more sounds on my buttons, from more soundfonts? I haved 16GB of RAM, so I should not run out of memory.
In the soundfont that I am looking at, there are much more than 127 presets, because they use those other MSB numbers.
Yes, imagine a big map of 127 * 127 * 127 of sounds that can be used (and even more...)
Thank you Dan. I tried it, with 002, 003, 004 and so on. I have many beautiful organ sounds, as well as choir sounds in .sf2 format, that I will be adding to my setup. I will not be replacing any of the standard sounds. It keeps on getting better!
Quote from: Lylo on January 11, 2016, 03:36:10 PM
Oh yes Dan, it's right.
So, Crisis must be better than standard voice of vA, but poor compared to the new soundbanks.
Hi Lylo, can you recommend some of these "new soundbanks"? :)
Are there comparative MP3 songs, recorded with both the standard vArranger synthesizer, as well as the same song with the new sound banks you are selling, for evaluation purposes...........
Some mp3 recordings are on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/vArranger
Quote from: xuanvuz on January 16, 2016, 04:55:47 PM
Quote from: Lylo on January 11, 2016, 03:36:10 PM
Oh yes Dan, it's right.
So, Crisis must be better than standard voice of vA, but poor compared to the new soundbanks.
Hi Lylo, can you recommend some of these "new soundbanks"? :)
I think the SD2 bank.
sweetbb, it sound like the SD2 (for the bank SD2) not really the same but you can heard the difference with the standard soundbank.