Hi Dan
I have a nanokontrol, a piano and an axiom keyboard - 3 midi inputs - usb's. But now I have a MidiExpressions quadro pedal controller. Any way to add a 4th midi input to varranger - or is there any other software to handle all this so I can have access to all of this in Varranger?
What is MidiExpressions quadro pedal controller?
Maybe you can plug it inside one of your keyboards, then vArranger will got it
It's an USB midi device to connect footpedals to USB/MIDI you can find ir here http://www.audiofront.net/MIDIExpression.php
I have a good news for you, the next coming vArranger version will have 4 MIDI INPUT !!!!!
Thanks Dan that's great news
Quote from: Dan on October 28, 2015, 02:49:54 PM
I have a good news for you, the next coming vArranger version will have 4 MIDI INPUT !!!!!
I hope also 4 Midi Outs !!!
This is another story - Millions of lines of code to check :)
I understand !!! It will be very good but... Maybe only nor constantly
saving of Drum Mixer parameters (only top row) in Style and it is perfect.
Before allowing you to save every parameter of every note of the drum mixer, this morning, I am first trying to load the drum mixer included in the Yamaha styles
How it will sound? I will know it in few minutes......
Wow this really improve the Yamaha drums sounds !
Yamaha styles are often well tuned.
Remove the reverb of the bass drum, set a huge reverb on the snare drum, change the level of the hihat, detune de rim shot, filter the techno drum, etc.........
Cause of that I am shure it is very important function.
Yes, but for Ketron styles, it's more complicated, because I need to know for every drum kit, what notes are snare drum, what notes are bass drum, etc... and change it all.
Also for every remapped note, we need to remap the mixer too...
Very complicated :)
No, no... I mean only first row of Drum Mixer!!! It funct also
with normal SF2 Drum Kit but only till vArranger2 active is.
After a new vArranger2 go up, Style "forget" all changes. Thats
mean, all this controls are not saved in a Style !!! You can test it
and I am shure you can make it, to be saved with Song (Style) Save.
I don't mean on all specific controls in Drum Mixer, only on first row
of Mixer !!!
This is a little bit of an aside, as I hoped to sole a different issue, but..
I looked at the Windows port of the "jack audio" package, in my case hoping to link vArranger on Windows to my music PC running Linux. Jack has network-based tooles allowing data over Ethernet. In principle it could also expand the number of MIDI inputs.
At this point Jack doesn't see vArranger and vArranger doesn't see Jack, so it will not work. But it might be something worth considering.
Another tool that might help the specific desire for extra MIDI port is "mididings", a Python-based MIDI/OSC router, processor and scene manager. As it's Python-based, it _probably_ runs OK on Windows, though I've not tried it. It may have the same issue as Jack.