Just wondering if there is a mac version on Dan's to do list?
Ever since i got my hands on a macbook pro i have become really fond of how fluently it works.. As a daw it surpasses windows in every possibillity... Stabillity, performance, latency and best of all, everything works perfectly together straight from the box.. Comming from a windows background, i think OSX is way ahead of Windows as a DAW platform. I am very happy with logic/mainstage/live And yes, i also have a multi touchscreen 27" connected to the Mac, there is 3rd party software available..
Actually, there is many part of the vArranger that can't be ported easily to mac. But maybe in 1 or 2 years, some cross platform tools will be available to help...
Windows/pc is best for quality/price. 8)
Quote from: Lylo on April 02, 2015, 11:05:37 PM
Windows/pc is best for quality/price. 8)
But then, if you allready own an apple system then windows is definately a step back when it comes to user friendlyness and out of the box stabillity and functionallity..
OSX espescially as a music DAW is more suited because of its structure..
I asume noboddy tried to get Varranger to work on OSX under wine?
Yes, i have friend who think that but i don't know what the problem with Windows, sometime some bugs but rarely, i forget the os and all work fine in my desktop pc and laptop. And vArranger (not the beta version) never bug.
Quote from: Lylo on April 05, 2015, 12:41:23 AM
Yes, i have friend who think that but i don't know what the problem with Windows, sometime some bugs but rarely, i forget the os and all work fine in my desktop pc and laptop. And vArranger (not the beta version) never bug.
There is no problem with Windows, you can get everything to work well on windows.... But in general it requires some 3rd party tools like asio drivers and such
But the source code of apple is created with these things in mind... There is no need for special asio drivers, and there is even a device that allows you to connect midi between two applications.. (Part of what Jack does, internal midi routing). And in one of the next updates they will have audio rewiring as a standard service build in.
Yes it's right, mac is more user-friendly and Windows sometime bug in bad moments, mac less or never.
But the issues with Windows are not dramatical and can resolved in a few days, after it's ok for a long time, and Windows users have a great avantage actually... they can use vArranger and users mac just cry, lol. ;D
Quote from: Lylo on April 07, 2015, 01:10:47 PM
Yes it's right, mac is more user-friendly and Windows sometime bug in bad moments, mac less or never.
But the issues with Windows are not dramatical and can resolved in a few days, after it's ok for a long time, and Windows users have a great avantage actually... they can use vArranger and users mac just cry, lol. ;D
Thats true Lilo, Varranger only running on windows makes chooosing windows a no brainer if you have need for the program.
I am a big fan of Varranger and even more of the actuall service Dan offers to the users, but owning a Tyros 5 does not make Varranger a must for me. Not now.. But i do realise that software is the way of the future.. My software based mac workstation (ableton live/logic/mainstage/vst) blows away all hardware workstations.. In the future when its possible to integrate several hosts i will add Karma and Varranger to that.. For now, i keep using Tyros and kronos with my macbook..
Perhaps you can put Windows in Virtual Box, I don't know if it's work well on mac and I don't know if the protect of vArranger can work with this condition but if yes, you can try, Virtual Box is free.
With this system it's more easy to swicht between the two OS, but perhaps it's difficult to get a low latence but for use the songchord I think it's ok.
Quote from: Lylo on April 07, 2015, 06:52:27 PM
Perhaps you can put Windows in Virtual Box, I don't know if it's work well on mac and I don't know if the protect of vArranger can work with this condition but if yes, you can try, Virtual Box is free.
With this system it's more easy to swicht between the two OS, but perhaps it's difficult to get a low latence but for use the songchord I think it's ok.
I dont think virtuall machines support low lattency audio...
Maybe Dann can answer this question
Virtualization of is is not a good idea for low latency audio.
Yes it's why I say "for use song chord it's ok" and "i don't know if it's work well with mac" because with Linux it's possible to get low latency (in theory).
I also am a Mac Book Pro owner and have run vArranger on my MacBook Pro. I installed Windows on the MacBook Pro and everything on vArranger ran perfectly and in fact, better than on my PC laptop. I was running Windows 7 in a dual boot setup on the Macbook Pro.
8) OK with Deane , with Boot camp on Mac no problems for running PC soft . Latency same than ASIO
Quote from: magali on April 08, 2015, 07:31:57 AM
8) OK with Deane , with Boot camp on Mac no problems for running PC soft . Latency same than ASIO
Offcourse bootcamp or any other bootloader will help out and mac is as good a platform to run windows on as any other..
However, i have all my DAW software on MAC, and continously switching between windows and OSX is not an option... And all my VST and daw licenses have been ported to MAC... And its obvious that you want to run Varranger where your VST are..
But yet again, its no must for me to get it working, i am still very hapy with my Tyros5... But i also realise that the future is for software arrangers...
You know, you can buy a laptop only for varranger and think the use same a expander. :)
Quote from: Lylo on April 10, 2015, 06:21:15 AM
You know, you can buy a laptop only for varranger and think the use same a expander. :)
I could, but whats the huge advantage of having varranger running on a different system as where my VSTs are running? And allready having 2 screens in my setup is more then enough.
As i said, i am just happy following the progress Dan makes from the sideline, untill we reach that moment that he surpasses all the hardware arrangers in such a way that i would be fooling myself not to buy Varranger..
Yes, my solution is not the best but it is the only currently available for you.
I'm afraid that Dan can develop a mac version before long, it's too hard work with the Windows version.
But I wrote a mistake, is the mac who is a expandeur for vArranger for playing the vsti.
I also put on hold I for a possible version for Mac ;)
Quote from: Lylo on April 02, 2015, 11:05:37 PM
Windows/pc is best for quality/price. 8)
I have come to disagree with this..
While it seems that windows machines are cheaper, but if you want a windows laptop with the same quallity of the macbook pro (both build and hardware) then the price differenece isnt that large...
If you take into consideration that Macs are build from the core with real time music creation in mind and windows isnt then thats worth some money.. You can for example route midi between apps standard.. And its even standard for multiple apps to have access to the sound driver.. Which is a great pro, if for example you want to use several different progams in a live situation.. ( for example, a sequencer like Live, mainstage, logic, reason, biabox, and some arranger program if one ever comes availble for Mac..
If you just buy mainstage, which comes with the logic best sound library of any DAW at only €30 , one could argue that a mac with mainstage on it is even cheaper then A pc with a comparable package.. And you get a free DAW to go with it in garageband..
The more i think about it, the more i realise that OSX is the only way to go if you are serious about music. And the only thing missing is an arranger like V-arranger.
Macbooks pro are a little more expensive at first sight as comparable windows systems, but if you take the software that comes with it (almost) for free, the quallity/price mark might even be better then the windows systems. Logic at under €200 offers the same professional windows daws like cubase and live which are over €700.
Which makes for professional musicians buying a MAC a no brainer. It takes some getting used to the OSX, but when you are, there is no way back..
You are right, but I pay my rent only with the music and my PC have a sound card multiclients, maybe is not enought pro for you ?
Mac is really good but is not the only way for make some music.
Mac is good for music. PC can do the job too.
20 years ago, I have started with PC and windows world. Even I have a macbookpro, I have installed a windows partition, because I feel more comfortable with windows
Just hoop up an i-pad and You can play all the app's