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Playlist -Setlist feature?

Started by pax_eterna, October 03, 2012, 04:56:02 PM

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Hi Dan,

I was just wondering how close (or far) the live gig Playlist (or set list if you like) function is from happening? You recall we have discussed it and you thought it a good idea...



Is there any info at all on this one Dan???



I must be missing something.  Why do we need a playlist feature when all you have to do is create a folder and put the song/leadsheets in it
you wish to play for that list.



What I am talking about is something similar to the Songbook on the Korg PA series. No-one who has not used it will ever realise just how useful it is..nor will those who do not play gigs....

All the playlist does is "reference" the stored location of the data.

This method that vArranger uses where one has to save a folder, rename a folder, have to numerically mark folders and songs to play in order, yada yada yada, WAY to many steps.

And is in NO way shape for form dynamic enough for live play. Well imo anyway...and I am the one trying to use it at a gig hey!!!

You still set up your styles, or mp3/midi backing tracks as you would, but when you save file to a playlist, as it is ONLY referencing -or "linking" if you like, you NEVER have to edit or change the source data. It always remains exactly where it is.

New show next week??? Simply edit the playlist entries, move them around add new ones remove old ones - all done in an instant and non-destructive to existing data. The Korg Songbook (and other arranger w/s's) all allow a non-alpha system for creating you can placeany file anywhere on the list without resorting to the archaic DOS system of having to prefix a number to get files in any sort of non-alpha order.

Does that help you "get" it ;)



FYI - many users on this forum are experienced gigging pros and have experience with a multitude of equipment.  I for one have gigged with Korgs PA1, PA2XPro, MicroArranger, Roland's E50, E80, Yamaha's PSR3000, Tyros 3, and Tyros 4, and Dan's VArranger.    I have been using vArranger for gigs for over a year now.  I find the file system easy to work with and non-complex.  However, if Dan thought a "songbook" type feature was useful and provided it we would all be winners. 

I gig nearly on a daily basis and have not found the current vArranger setup to be a burden on a live gig.  I do agree with one of your points and that is the alpha listing of folder contents with no other options.  It sounds to me like you are deep into Korg equipment and for the time being vArranger will not play the Korg styles.   It has been mentioned by Dan but he has made no commitment about it. 

By the way, I "get" it very clearly.



No worries Deane - I disagree on a couple of things - but that's cool too. If one is only playing the same old 50-60 songs in a rep, then I suppose then the  vA filing system is okay - not good - but okay...I currently have around 900 songs in my rep, and I rarely repeat the same set ....I do not KNOW all the songs, this is why I use a chart reader on a tablet - but I like lots of songs to keep them all fresh! If I play "fresh" then the audiences also pick up on the vibe and makes for a far better show!!

Nope, not using Korg anything fyi  - I use what works...Korg songbook is the industry leader in what it does. But the whole "arranger keyboard" scene is not where i am at really anymore. More so when I only ever use drums and one guitar - and bass most of the time in all the styles I actually use!!  Total waste of processing power and gear..It is why I am drifting back to software solutions for a lot of what I do

Another thing I am now experimenting with using Real Band (using the superb audio instrument tracks) and BIAB for pseudo style play - it has a marker recognition system so I think it might surprise....

btw Dan has already indicated  to me that he too,  thinks it a good idea - just not sure of a timeline for implementing...

All I was asking was if he had an idea of when....not asking him to produce it tomorrow!!


PS: you don't really have to defend the vA software or Dan - I have bought it you know...If I didn't think it was useful or had GREAT potential, do you think I would drop several hundred dollars on it ;)


I hope to add it for the next version.
End of the month?


Hi Dan,
Sounds very exciting.  Thanks again for your outstanding support and loyalty to your customers.

There you go - Dan always listens to his customers and alway tries to fulfill their needs.



Deane where did you ever read I thought any different?  :o



Quote from: Dan on October 07, 2012, 08:54:29 AM
I hope to add it for the next version.
End of the month?

Dan that is fine m8 thanks. As I said it was merely an enquiry for an indication not an expectation of delivery!! :)



I am happy with the present arrangement of folders to store styles and midi files.
But I have recently had to vary my style of music and venues to widen my musical horizons as work is getting harder to find with financial cut backs at many current venues that I play.
Anyway I have been finding that the need for pre-prepared MIDI FILE/SONG CHORD playlists would also be a useful feature in vArranger.
The playlists would need to be able to be arranged in actual playing (set list) order and not alphabetically.
This way similar midi file rhythms/beat/gendre/tempos etc could be chained together in a pre determined playlist order.
To make a playlist in non alphabetical order would need to be without adding a number before the song mane (as at present) as this would also affect the current song folders lists which are still needed and I find a great and accurate system.
We would also need auto-play option (on/off) between songs and shuffle feature in playlists.
Maybe playlist folders could be in the "My Songs" folder area indicated by red coloured folders.   


Can you reply to above post


Hi Dan,
I agree with Jon's post about the problems alpha only order for lists causes.  It is really neat to have a system in which sets for various gigs
could be setup in whatever order the player feels is needed.



That's exactly what I was saying Deane, yet you dissed that but now you agree  ???


my original post, to which you refer, indicated I found no problem with the then current file structure of vArranger.  it was a simple matter to create multiple folders, one for each gig setup.   The issue of the files within the folders being listed in alpa order is an entirely different issue - one Yamaha keyboard owners have had to deal with for decades.   To have the option to have songs  within a folder listed in any order of your preference or alpha would be a good feature.



I am happy with the present arrangement of folders to store styles and midi files.
But I have recently had to vary my style of music and venues to widen my musical horizons as work is getting harder to find with financial cut backs at many current venues that I play.
Anyway I have been finding that the need for pre-prepared MIDI FILE/SONG CHORD playlists would also be a useful feature in vArranger.
The playlists would need to be able to be arranged in actual playing (set list) order and not alphabetically.
This way similar midi file rhythms/beat/gendre/tempos etc could be chained together in a pre determined playlist order.
To make a playlist in non alphabetical order would need to be without adding a number before the song mane (as at present) as this would also affect the current song folders lists which are still needed and I find a great and accurate system.
We would also need auto-play option (on/off) between songs and shuffle feature in playlists.
Maybe playlist folders could be in the "My Songs" folder area indicated by red coloured folders.   