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vArranger not sending all received CC messages

Started by crisoto, May 18, 2016, 06:52:26 PM

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I use vArranger in this way with virtual midi cables: vArranger -> TransMIDIfier -> Brainspawn Forte 4. Transmidifier responds to Program Changes from vArranger and selects a specific virtual midi output/channel that goes into Forte which is loaded with VSTs (Kontakt, Eastwest Play, NI Battery) for (almost) all 127 GM instruments.

I have a MIDI controller connected to vArranger which has knobs to control CC values. The issue I'm having is that apparently vArranger does not output all CCs it receives. I see that vArranger sends out only CC1, CC7 and CC11. But if I program a MIDI controller knob to send values for CC20, for example, vArranger does not output any CC20 values (I check this in TransMIDIfier Inspector, and nothing received in Forte either). If I program that knob for CC11, for example, vArranger does output CC11 and it is received by TransMIDIfier and Forte.

Is there a way to make vArranger send all received CC messages to its output?



Hi Dan,

Could you please chime in on this? Is there a way to do this or is it not supported by vArranger? Or let me know if I wasn't clear on what the issue is. I need this to be able to control my VSTs in Forte.

Thank you!



Yes, vArranger only sends what the sound module need, for some optimisation reasons
You will need to find another way to do it. vArranger sends a lot more CC. look at the SOUND EDIT screen


I'm sorry Dan but it's a mistake, you know I think this, some people as crisoto and me (but I think another in the futur) need's the CC past thru the channels. Why don't give a switch for open or close the CC ? And if I can understand that's a problem for vsti out why it's a problem for output to midicable or expander ? We understand you need control the CC inside vArranger but why for outside ?


Hello Dan!
One Mode like GM, S2...but without any midi filter where we can send all CC and SYSEX to outside on virtual midi...will be good and when we need to filter some CC or SYSEX we can do with a software...please ad one mode without midi filter.